
Implementing a Python from scratch, for show

Lexing Arithmetic Expressions


Parsing derives structure from streams of characters, raw bytes or generally any “symbols of an alphabet”. Usually the resulting structure is a tree but it can be a general graph, a simple integer or even a compiled program as happens with one-pass compilers.

Simple Arithmetic Language

As is customary in parsing and parser tooling tutorials we shall start by parsing simple arithmetic expressions, described by this grammar:

expr = expr ('+' | '-') term
     | term

term = term ('*' | '/') atom
     | atom

atom = int

int = digit int
    | digit

digit = '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'

Or rather, that grammar with whitespace skipping added. (Incidentally, if you have never encountered BNF before you probably shouldn’t be reading this blog just yet.)

Basically the goal is to turn input like

1 + 2 * 3

into an abstract syntax tree (AST) format such as

Add(Const(1), Mul(Const(2), Const(3)))

Separating Tokenization Concern into Lexer

Character-level grammars look noisy. Far worse, they often cannot be parsed with popular parsing techniques with a small lookahead like LL(1) (e.g. handwritten recursive descent) and (LA)LR(1) (e.g. YACC or LALRPOP). So the parsing task is often split into two layers: tokenization a.k.a. lexing, which splits the input into tokens (e.g. keywords, operators, constants, identifiers) and parsing “proper” which parses the token stream to create more structured data like syntax trees.

The division into lexing and parsing makes deterministic parsing techniques usable. Tokens can usually be defined with regular expressions which can be implemented very efficiently with finite state machines. Because a token contains much more information than a character the token stream can often be parsed with relatively weak parsing techniques like the deterministic LR and LL parsers. (LA)LR(1) can parse most sensible programming languages from a token stream and LL(1) served CPython for many years (as we will see in later posts, indentation sensitivity is mostly implemented in the lexer).

In language design a deterministic parsing algorithm like LL(k) or (LA)LR(k) also has the benefit of ensuring that the programming language grammar is deterministic. In fact it is one of the best known methods to avoid grammar ambiguities. Natural language is full of ambiguity, but an ambiguous programming language syntax would probably be unusable at best. But we don’t need to worry about any of that when reimplementing an existing language.

So we can split our arithmetic grammar into a token grammar

PLUS = '+'
MINUS = '-'
STAR = '*'
SLASH = '/'
INT = \d+

and the main grammar that uses the token names:

expr = expr (PLUS | MINUS) term
     | term

term = term (STAR | SLASH) atom
     | atom

atom = INT

Unfortunately there is no established term that would unambiguously (hehe) refer to the parsing layer above the lexer. You see, tokenization is a form of parsing too; it turns a stream of characters such as

1 + 2 * 3

into a stream of tokens somewhat like

["1", "+", "2", "*", "3"]

Token Datatype

Let’s start by adding a Token enum into an empty file src/

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Token {
    Plus, Minus,
    Star, Slash,


Various grammar-like specifications can be conveniently transliterated into algebraic datatypes like this. We have tokens for the arithmetic operators ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘*’, ‘/’ and integer literals. The Integer tokens carry the parsed integer. Using isize is quite sloppy; just like garbage collection, the implementation of arbitrary-precision arithmetic is postponed to maintain motivation.

We could make the tokens homogeneous records of a token type tag and a string slice. We would still have a ‘zero-copy’ lexer with lightweight tokens since taking a &str causes no (heap) allocation. But the string slices would contain no useful data for the operators while failing to convey through the type system that the characters of an integer token are guaranteed to be parsable into an integer.

Tracking Source Locations

One cross-cutting concern in any interpreter or compiler is keeping track of source locations so that errors (both static type errors and runtime exceptions) can be pinpointed to their place of origin in the source code. Source locations are also part of the debug information required by e.g. source-level debuggers.

Source location tracking is boring and tedious so most compiler textbooks and other teaching materials largely ignore it, which is understandable. What they should not ignore is the generation of good error messages since error messages are most of the user interface of a language implementation (apart from the language syntax itself, of course).

Since I anticipate that tokens will not be the only values that need to be wrapped with location information I chose to make generic structs Located<T> and Spanning<T> which add a single source location or a span between two source locations to some T:

use std::sync::Arc;
use std::ops::Range;

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Located<T> {
    pub value: T,
    pub filename: Option<Arc<String>>,
    pub offset: usize

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Spanning<T> {
    pub value: T,
    pub filename: Option<Arc<String>>,
    pub span: Range<usize>

The location information consists of just the filename and byte offset into the file. Not saving the line and column saves space and can be recomputed from the file contents and the offset. Reopening files should not be a problem since when we are printing error messages or using the debugger we are already on a slow path. And if the source code file changes it should be reloaded anyway.

The filenames are optional because not all code comes from files (e.g. REPL input lines or eval/exec input strings). The filename should be shared among many located values so I put it in the atomically reference-counted Arc heap allocation. CPython uses reference counting as the primary system of automatic memory management. Its reference counting is not thread-safe, which is one major reason why CPython has to have the Global Interpreter Lock. Using atomic instructions for incrementing and decrementing reference counts is slightly slower, so Rust also offers the Rc type for single-threaded reference counting (to enforce single-threaded use Rc does not implement Send or Sync). Reference counting also cannot collect cycles which interpreters inevitably create e.g. to support recursion, so one must either also implement a tracing GC for backup (like CPython) or break cycles manually (like Arc and Swift). I plan to implement a tracing garbage collector for Kyy but debugging garbage collection before being able to even parse anything would be extremely demoralizing.

These are just simple records so I made the fields public. I anticipate no problems from this “lack of abstraction”. Often objects or other abstract datatypes are a good idea. Many other times plain old data is best, especially when it is kept immutable. Getters and setters make a mockery of both.


A lexer can be represented idiomatically in Rust by making it a function from an iterator of chars to an iterator of tokens. However it is easier to implement a lexer that only works on string slices &str and in these days of ample memory it is actually more efficient to read the compilation unit into a String up front.

struct LookaheadlessLexer<'a> {
    chars: &'a str,
    index: usize,
    filename: Option<Arc<String>>

Of course we have the string slice in chars. Additionally we need a byte index to keep track of our position in the slice. The index also gets saved into the tokens, along with the filename. One can get into very Rust-specific troubles when parameterizing structs over lifetimes like this but hey, zero-copy lexing sure makes a Rust programmer proud.

Some utility methods are essential to implement. In particular it would be unbearable to repeat the UTF-8 iterator fiddling in peek_char and pop_char:

impl<'a> LookaheadlessLexer<'a> {
    fn new(chars: &'a str, filename: Option<Arc<String>>) -> Self {
        LookaheadlessLexer {chars, index: 0, filename}

    fn peek_char(&self) -> Option<char> {
            .and_then(|cs| cs.chars().next())

    fn pop_char(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
            .and_then(|cs| {
                let mut cis = cs.char_indices();
                match {
                    Some((_, c)) => {
                        self.index += match {
                            Some((c_len, _)) => c_len,
                            None => 1
                    None => None

    fn here<T>(&self, value: T) -> Located<T> {
        Located {value, offset: self.index, filename: self.filename.clone()}

    fn spanning<T>(&self, value: T, span: Range<usize>) -> Spanning<T> {
        Spanning { value, span, filename: self.filename.clone() }

As previously alluded to, regular expressions are sufficiently powerful to describe tokens. Lexer generators like Lex convert the token regexen into efficient (and undebuggable) deterministive finite automata that run in constant space and linear time. Unfortunately the regex types of most programming languages use exponential backtracking algorithms instead (but not Rust, yay!).

Handwritten lexers naturally gravitate to LL(1) (or LL(m, k)). The only systematic account of this methodology that I have seen was “Pattern 2: LL(1) Recursive-Descent Lexer” in Language Implementation Patterns. [Intriguing that the ANTLR guy would write a book with 50 pages of material on manual LL and Packrat (!) parsing.] Parr also points out that unlike regular expressions, LL(1) can easily deal with nested block comments (one of the numerous ML features also found in Rust). On the other hand regular expression implementations support infinite lookahead – in constant space.

To select from several alternatives we match a lookahead character:

impl<'a> Iterator for LookaheadlessLexer<'a> {
    type Item = LexResult;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        loop {
            match self.peek_char() {
                Some('+') => {
                    let start_index = self.index;
                    let _ = self.pop_char();
                    return Some(Ok(self.spanning(Token::Plus, start_index..self.index)));
                Some('-') => {
                    let start_index = self.index;
                    let _ = self.pop_char();
                    return Some(Ok(self.spanning(Token::Minus, start_index..self.index)));
                Some('*') => {
                    let start_index = self.index;
                    let _ = self.pop_char();
                    return Some(Ok(self.spanning(Token::Star, start_index..self.index)));
                Some('/') => {
                    let start_index = self.index;
                    let _ = self.pop_char();
                    return Some(Ok(self.spanning(Token::Slash, start_index..self.index)));

Unsurprisingly loops (or tail recursion) can be used for repetition. Parr implements * with while loops and + with do while loops, but Rust does not have the latter and while conditions get a bit funky when we also have to deal with Options. My non-for loops usually start out as loop { match ... anyway:

                Some(c) if c.is_digit(10) => { // \d+ = \d \d*
                    let start_index = self.index;

                    let mut n: isize = self.pop_char().unwrap() // \d
                    loop { // \d*
                        match self.peek_char() {
                            Some(c) => match c.to_digit(10) {
                                Some(d) => {
                                    let _ = self.pop_char();
                                    n = 10*n + isize::try_from(d).unwrap();
                                None => break
                            None => break

                    return Some (Ok(self.spanning(Token::Integer(n), start_index..self.index)))

Later I refactored to a while loop:

while let Some(d) = self.peek_char().and_then(|c| c.to_digit(10)) { // \d*
    let _ = self.pop_char();
    n = 10*n + isize::try_from(d).unwrap();

What a complicated condition! At least there are less lines, which reduces bugs, I once heard Cliff Click say.

Whitespace is just skipped and if we run out of characters when looking for the start of a token we are also out of tokens, so just propagate the None. Any other character is an error:

                Some(c) if c.is_whitespace() => { self.pop_char(); }, // skip \s (\s* with the outer loop)

                Some(c) => return Some(Err(,

                None => return None // EOF

To support returning Results from an iterator the next method needs to return an Option<Result, .... I picked this idea up from LALRPOP’s lexer interface but the Iterator trait basically forces this strategy.

Plugging the Lexer into Our REPL

For manual testing and motivating stimulation we can make the REPL echo the tokens instead of just the input line itself:

mod lexer;

use rustyline::error::ReadlineError;

const PROMPT: &'static str = ">>> ";

fn main() {
    let mut repl = rustyline::Editor::<()>::new();

    loop {
        match repl.readline(PROMPT) {
            Ok(line) => {
                let lexer = lexer::KyyLexer::new(&line, None);
                match lexer.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>() {
                    Ok(tokens) => println!("{:#?}", tokens),
                    Err(err) => println!("Syntax error: {:?}", err)
            Err(ReadlineError::Eof) => break,
            Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted) => continue,
            Err(err) => println!("Readline error: {}", err)

collecting an Iterator of Results into a Result<Vec<_>, _> is a nice trick (although not very discoverable). In Haskell the more general pattern traverse is in constant use. In any case this token printing will not last long; in the next post we will parse the token stream into an abstract syntax tree, a much more useful data structure.

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