
Implementing a Python from scratch, for show

Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions

Now that we have an AST, we finally get to run it. Interpret it. Evaluate it. I’ll call it evaluation because we only have (arithmetic) expressions at this point. (Not because I contracted a Lisp at some point and there seems to be no cure.)

This post is going to be shorter and more satisfying than the previous ones. Parsing can be interesting, but when implementing a language one is not interested in parsing theory – how awkward.

More Pointers Please

With trees like these it is more convenient to handle the node pointers most of the time, so I added an ExprRef alias to

- pub enum Expr_ {
+ pub enum Expr {
-     Add(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
-     Sub(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
-     Mul(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
-     Div(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>), // FIXME: __truediv__ vs. __floordiv__
+     Add(ExprRef, ExprRef),
+     Sub(ExprRef, ExprRef),
+     Mul(ExprRef, ExprRef),
+     Div(ExprRef, ExprRef), // FIXME: __truediv__ vs. __floordiv__


- type Expr = Spanning<Expr_>;
+ pub type ExprRef = Box<Spanning<Expr>>;

Besides, once we get a GC all the managed values have to be handled through some type of GC pointer anyway. As a bonus now that we don’t use the unboxed Expr alias the node type can be Expr instead of the contrived Expr_.

The Evaluator

Now just start a new file

use super::parser::{Expr, ExprRef};

type Value = isize;

Value represents all the runtime values we can have. Eventually it should be a static type “mirror” of <class 'object'>. But since we only have integer constants and arithmetic operators at the moment, everything can just be a signed machine word -sized integer.

The evaluator itself is really simple and obvious (after all this sort of thing is more typical of parser than interpreter tutorials):

pub fn eval(expr: ExprRef) -> Value {
    match expr.value {
        Expr::Add(l, r) => eval(l) + eval(r),
        Expr::Sub(l, r) => eval(l) - eval(r),
        Expr::Mul(l, r) => eval(l) * eval(r),
        Expr::Div(l, r) => eval(l) / eval(r),
        Expr::Const(c) => c

For a constant, just grab the value. For the arithmetic operators, just use the corresponding Rust operator (“snarfing features from the implementation language”, as Lispers said of old).

Strict evaluation is implemented by recursively evaluating the operator arguments before the operation itself. Lazy evaluation would quite a bit more complicated to implement, and as a rather imperative language (Despite OO? Or because of it?) Python could not really cope with it anyway.

Plug It in

Once again we can activate our progress by slightly modifying main, this time by evaluating the AST and printing (also) the resulting value:

mod lexer;
mod parser;
+ mod eval;

use rustyline::error::ReadlineError;
+ use eval::eval;
const PROMPT: &'static str = ">>> ";

                let lexer = lexer::KyyLexer::new(&line, None);
                match parser::parse(lexer) {
-                     Ok(expr) => println!("{:#?}", expr),
+                     Ok(expr) => {
+                         println!("{:#?}", expr);
+                         println!("=> {:?}", eval(expr));
+                     },
                    Err(err) => println!("Syntax error: {:?}", err)

Spin it:

$ cargo run
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
     Running `target/debug/kyy`
>>> 1 + 2 * 3
Spanning {
    value: Add(
        Spanning {
            value: Const(
            filename: None,
            span: 0..1,
        Spanning {
            value: Mul(
                Spanning {
                    value: Const(
                    filename: None,
                    span: 4..5,
                Spanning {
                    value: Const(
                    filename: None,
                    span: 8..9,
            filename: None,
            span: 4..9,
    filename: None,
    span: 0..9,

That is correct. We could disable the AST printing now but at least for quite a while the only user will be me, debugging the interpreter.

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